Optoelectronic system design and simulation software
With the development of computer hardware and software technology and its application in the design of optoelectronic systems, many representative design and simulation tools and software sprung up. These include: ZEMAX, CODE V, OSLO, LENSVIEW, ASAP, TRACEPRO, LIGHTTOOL, TFCALC, OPTISYS_DESIGN, ASLD, Multisim, COMSOL Multiphysics and so on. Here is a brief introduction and analysis of ZEMAX and CODE V, which are commonly used for infrared lens design.
ZEMAX, the optical design software, is a suite of operating Sequential and Non-Sequential calculators. It can be used for the design of optical components, for the modelling of reflections, refractions and diffraction, and for combining of optimization and tolerance analysis. It can integrate the design concepts, optimization, analysis, tolerances and reporting of real optical systems into a comprehensive set of optical design simulation software.
The main features of ZEMAX:
· Multi-functional analysis graphics, parameter selection via dialogue window, user-friendly analysis and definition;
· Analysis graphics can be saved as graph files, such as x.bmp, *.jpg, etc., but also as text files *.txt;
· Merit function parameter input via table column type, preset merit function parameter dialogue window type; and provides a variety of optimization methods;
· Tolerance parameter input via table column type and preset tolerance parameter via dialogue window type;
· A variety of graphical report output, the results can be saved as graph files and text files.
CODE V is used to model, analyze, optimize, and provide fabrication support for the development of optical systems with diverse applications. It provides a powerful, yet easy-to-use toolkit of optical techniques and calculations.
In addition to such basic capabilities as lens modeling and spot diagrams, CODE V has a vast array of technical, graphical, and ease-of-use features. The following list of "key features" is just a small subset of what is available capabilities.
· Optimization (including Global Synthesis)
· Ease of use (GUI interface and commands)
· Extensive built-in libraries of optical system models (patents, etc.), components, and optical glass
· Extensive graphics (pictures, data plots, shaded displays), including 3D visualizations and diffraction-based image simulations
· Database/modeling Features
· Tolerancing (including extremely fast and accurate wavefront differential tolerancing)
· Interferogram interface (supports computer-aided closed-loop alignment)
· Non-sequential surface modeling for unusual systems
· Powerful command language (with Macro-PLUS programming)
· Fast 2D Image Simulation with an input bitmap file (including diffraction)
· The most accurate, efficient beam propagation analysis available
· CODE V is the most comprehensive "tool box" for optical modeling, design and analysis available today.
CODE V is the most comprehensive optical design and analysis program in the world. It has led the way with a long series of innovations. These include:
· Zoom/multi-configuration optimization and analysis
· Environmental/thermal analysis
· Fast wavefront differential tolerancing for MTF, RMS wavefront error, fiber coupling efficiency, polarization dependent loss, and Zernike wavefront coefficient performance metrics
· User-defined constraints in optimization
· Interferometric interface and optical alignment
· Non-sequential surface modeling
· Vector diffraction calculations including polarization
· Global Synthesis®, the first practical global optimization method for optical design
· And many more
CODE V also includes a powerful Macro-PLUS programming language, a flexible, user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), and features for analysis of illumination in optical systems. As with all features of CODE V, these capabilities offer outstanding depth, generality, and applicability to real-world problems.