Quanhom Technology Co., LTD is a company engaged in the area of development and production of thermal infrared optics. The high precision product range includes infrared lenses assemblies of SWIR/MWIR/LWIR , eyepieces, infrared lens elements, etc.
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What are the main factors that can affect thermal imaging temperature measurement?

What are the main factors that can affect thermal imaging temperature measurement?
Many factors can affect thermal imaging temperature measurements, such as the emissivity of the target, the radiation temperature of the target, the atmospheric radiation temperature, the ambient reflection temperature, and other external factors; meanwhile, it is also affected by the lens temperature, the temperature of the detector array, the temperature of the inner thermal camera module, the temperature of the system circuit, and other internal factors. Moreover, in the actual temperature measurement process, the distance of the object and the angle also influence the measurement result.
Quanhom Technology Co., LTD is a company engaged in the area of development and production of thermal infrared optics. The high precision product range includes infrared lenses assemblies of SWIR/MWIR/LWIR , eyepieces, infrared lens elements, etc.