Quanhom Technology Co., LTD is a company engaged in the area of development and production of thermal infrared optics. The high precision product range includes infrared lenses assemblies of SWIR/MWIR/LWIR , eyepieces, infrared lens elements, etc.
Trademark Registration Certificate
Jan 5,2022
- Period:
- Sep 28,2019 - Sep 27,2029
- No.:
- 28863199
- Certification bodies:
- China National Intellectural Property Administrati
Approved Items of goods/services used (International Classification: 9)
Category 9: Computer software (recorded);Measuring instruments and instruments;The eyepiece.Thermal imaging camera;Optical lens;The camera;Optical communication equipment;Electrical equipment for industrial remote operation;Computer Program (downloadable software) (due)
PreviousCertificate of Compliance
Quanhom Technology Co., LTD is a company engaged in the area of development and production of thermal infrared optics. The high precision product range includes infrared lenses assemblies of SWIR/MWIR/LWIR , eyepieces, infrared lens elements, etc.